Well 02959144

See DOGGR well records.

Well construction

Spud date 1979-04-07
Abandon date
Borehole orientation Vertical
Measured depth 9178.000
True vertical depth
Tperf 5337.000
Bperf 9039.000
Water geochem
No well data
Glog unavailable
Notes Idle well; Production converted into injection back to production and then back to injection

Run headers

Service company Schlumberger
Date 1979-04-22
Run number One
Driller depth 9110.000
Logger depth 9107.000
Log bottom 9100.000
Log top 1425.000
Casing size 10.750
Bit size 9.625
Mud type Q Broxin/K-Lig
Mud density 93.00
Mud visc (plastic) 41.00
Mud visc (funnel)
Mud ph 10.60
Mud fluid loss 4.60
Sample source PIT
Circulation stopped time 10:20:00
Logger on bottom time 15:15:00
Time since circulation
Operating rig time

G-log curves

1979-04-22 One
Conductivity Deep Induction
Resistivity Deep induction
spherically focused log
Spontaneous Potential (SP)

Temperature and mud resistivity observations

1979-04-22 One
Rm = 0.380 Ωm @ 190.000 °F (MRT, 9107.000 ft)
Rm = 0.700 Ωm @ 101.000 °F
Rmc = 1.550 Ωm @ 81.000 °F
Rmf = 0.780 Ωm @ 81.000 °F

Change log

12293 2018-01-04 13:09 dakota CLOSED, UNHANDED
12293 2018-01-04 13:08 dakota EDITED WELL METADATA
12293 2018-01-04 13:05 dakota TAKEN
12293 2017-12-17 19:55 whdc TASK CREATED
12125 2017-12-17 19:54 SHAREPOINT IMPORT (mu2) spud_date,tperf,measured_depth,water_geochem,borehole_orientation,notes
12125 2017-12-17 19:54 TASK CREATED
2942 2017-11-05 12:17 fatimaburhan CLOSED, UNHANDED
2942 2017-11-05 12:17 fatimaburhan EDITED RUN One (April 22, 1979)
2942 2017-11-05 12:16 fatimaburhan ADDED RUN One (April 22, 1979)
2942 2017-11-05 12:14 fatimaburhan TAKEN
2942 2017-10-02 11:01 mloustale TASK CREATED
12125 2016-12-27 23:53 ashley CHECKED WELL METADATA (SHAREPOINT)
12125 2016-12-27 23:53 tsowers EDITED WELL METADATA (SHAREPOINT)

Well versions and related tasks

Well 02959144